
Scientific Program

The VGC series focuses on novel developments and applications of close range remote sensing methods within the broad field of geoscience research.

The VGC 2021 opens up a new application field: the Astronomy. Indeed, recent spatial data acquisition allows astronomers to reconstruct high-resolution topographies of celestial bodies, on which new geological and geomorphological interpretations are made possible. Terrestrial geoscientists and Astronomers then share key issues in the use of remote sensing approaches for studying outcrops at different scales and their evolution through time. For these two scientific fields, acquiring and working with 2D or 3D (even 4D) data has never been so accessible.

The VGC series aims to bring together several scientific disciplines sharing the developments of advanced techniques for working with lidar or photogrammetric data. Mapping structures or phenomena from numerical high-resolution topographic data cuts across various scientific domains (e.g., geomatics, computer science, visualization, geostatistics and geomodelling) and various sub-disciplines of Earth and Space Science.

Advanced visualization techniques (e.g., Virtual, Augmented or Mixed Reality) or other sensorial techniques (e.g., sonification) also offer new possibilities for  teaching our discipline to students, for communicating or for increasing awareness among the general public of scientific issues.  

Thus, whatever your application field or your sector (academic, public or private), we encourage you to submit to VGC 2020 so that exchanges and cooperation across the boundaries of disciplines are promoted and lead to novel integrated scientific approaches for acquiring, analyzing and interpreting topographic data as well as for modelling the targeted structures and phenomena from these data sources.

The non-exhaustive list of VGC 2020 scientific themes is divided as follows:


1. Method developments

Focuses on innovations in acquisition and processing of 3D datasets, new sensors, devices and platforms, and integration of different techniques. This revolves around technology development (hardware and software).

Laser scanning (lidar) & novel 3D mapping sensors

Photogrammetry/structure from motion (SfM)

Subsea & subsurface (karst, tunnels) acquisitions

Sensor integration (multi/hyperspectral, radar, thermal, geophysical)

Novel platforms (UAVs)

Mobile & real-time computing

Augmented reality in fieldwork

Laboratory-scale measurement (fossils, flumes, plaster, sediment tanks)

2. Data Analysis and Geomodelling

Taking the processed 2D, 3D or 4D datasets and using them as the basis for analysis. Modelling or simulating targeted structures or phenomena. Uncertainty and risk analysis.


Automated feature mapping

Visualisation, computer graphics

Virtual reality

Change detection/monitoring

Numerical modelling and simulation



3. Application Fields

Showcase the major influence of spatial data across the geosciences, combining acquisition, processing and analysis to solve problems and answer outstanding questions.

Sedimentology: facies mapping / geobody modelling

Structural geology: fracture/fault mapping and network modelling

Geomorphology: characterisation of surface processes

Natural hazards: rockfalls, landslides, coastal erosion

Glaciology/cryosphere: glacier front monitoring

Volcanology: lava flow mapping, crater modelling, laboratory methods

Hydraulics/through-water mapping


Infrastructure: tunnelling, railway, roads

Mining and energy (e.g., geothermic or petroleum exploitation)

Teaching/general public awareness


The final programme will be designed based on the scientific quality of the submissions received.


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